===== Anthill ver 0.3 ===== [[anthill_hardware_v03|Hardware]] [[anthill_soft_v03|Software]] ---- ---- ---- Before sending request to install new software on computing nodes : * use slurm interactive session and check ( it is probably already installed ) * if it is not installed yet, but is is not available in standard repositories consider installing it from source in user space. You can find some examples how to do it bellow. * if you are not familiar with compiling software, feel free to ask * if you are not familiar with distributed computing and need help with computing job optimalization, also feel free to ask Software related issues ( how to compile, how to use, benchmark, ... ) : [[anthill_sri001|software CD-HIT, performance tests, more...]] \\ [[anthill_sri011|software rMATS, performance tests, more...]] \\ [[anthill_sri012|software STAR, performance tests, more...]] \\ [[anthill_sri013|massive ftp downloads with cluster, more...]] \\ [[anthill_sri015|sra-toolkit ( prefetch with ascp ), more...]] \\ [[anthill_sri016|software AdapterRemoval, how to install and use, more...]] \\ [[anthill_sri017|software preseq, how to install and use, more...]] \\ [[anthill_sri018|software GLIMPSE2, how to install, more...]] \\ ----