FIXME ==== description ==== ... ==== software version ==== ... ==== sbatch example ==== ... ... ==== performance tests ==== ... ... ---- software can be downloaded from : software instalation @anthill23 If you wold like to use mp5 software you are required to install it by yourself. Firstly login to and open interactive session : srun -p test --pty bash -l Then run following commands ( it will take less than 2 minutes ) : module load compilers/gcc4.9.4 cd /home/users/${USER} wget unzip rm cd matching-pursuit-master ./ ./configure make module unload compilers/gcc4.9.4 As a result you will create mp5 executable binnary : /home/users/${USER}/matching-pursuit-master/mp5 -rwxr-xr-x 1 tmatejuk cent1-users 464544 Oct 17 11:12 mp5 test config and data files Thanks to Paulina Urban [] for tests you can use bellow files: anthill23:/usr/local/share/matching_pursuit_mp5/ data.bin ; 1.8MB, md5sum : 780810a87540aaa6b0f3f5f37bbb39de config.set ; 741 kB, md5sum : a15c0af38ad7ef3f94f022ffa04e17df run test job First login to Then create __data__ folder and copy test files to it. For example : mkdir -p /home/users/${USER}/matching-pursuit_data cp /usr/local/share/matching_pursuit_mp5/data.bin /home/users/${USER}/matching-pursuit_data cp /usr/local/share/matching_pursuit_mp5/config.set /home/users/${USER}/matching-pursuit_data Then create job file (batch), and save it as i.e. mp5_testrun.batch . #!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=mp5_test #SBATCH --partition=long #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #do not change, mp5 do not uses more than one core #SBATCH --mem 2048M #mp5 executable binary path MP5BIN=/home/users/${USER}/matching-pursuit-master/mp5 #test data folder path DATAPATH=/home/users/${USER}/matching-pursuit_data #test data config name CONFFILE=config.set #printout some info echo "mp5 anthill test" echo "input_data_file : " ${DATAFILE} echo "input_config_file : " ${CONFFILE} echo "date: " `date` echo "node_name: " `hostname` #run computation cd ${DATAPATH} time -p ${MP5BIN} -x ${CONFFILE} test job results In this test each node was occupied only by one job. Memory allocated for each job : 2048 MB node name cores used result1 [s] result2 [s] result3 [s] average [s] ant002 1 1673.58 1716.28 1711.93 1700.60 ant003 1 1848.30 1848.91 1827.97 1841.73 ant004 1 1846.87 1838.31 1842.67 1842.62 ant005 1 1485.39 1459.13 1473.07 1472.53 ant006 1 1455.87 1451.47 1463.92 1457.09 ant007 1 743.93 735.69 745.45 741.69 ant008 1 731.84 731.60 733.38 732.27 ant009 1 803.87 804.79 805.43 804.70 ant011 1 610.29 613.10 611.29 611.56 ant012 1 601.49 601.05 599.79 600.78 ant100 1 1643.73 1653.31 1650.67 1649.24 ant101 1 1658.21 1641.03 1648.61 1649.28 ant300 1 1641.15 1631.28 1645.21 1639.21 ant301 1 1647.64 1644.93 1629.79 1640.79