FIXME ==== description ==== ... ==== software version ==== ... ==== sbatch example ==== ... ... ==== performance tests ==== ... ... ---- FIXME software Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference © Alexander Dobin, 2009-2018 Software and its description is available at : software instalation @anthill23 Before you can use STAR software at anthill you need to install it. Firstly login to and open an interactive session : srun -p test --pty bash -l Then run following commands ( it will take less than 6 minutes ) : mkdir -p ~/anthill23_soft/STAR cd ~/anthill23_soft/STAR wget "" unzip cd STAR-master/source make STAR -j ${SLURM_NTASKS} As a result you will get STAR executable binary : /home/users/${USER}/anthill23_soft/STAR/STAR-master/source/STAR batch file template First login to Then create job file (batch), and save it as i.e. star_testrun.batch . #!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --job-name=STAR_test #SBATCH --partition=long #SBATCH --ntasks=8 #SBATCH --mem 16G #STAR binary executable path STARBINPATH=/home/users/${USER}/anthill23_soft/STAR/STAR-master/source/ #printout some info echo "STAR at anthill test" echo "date: " `date` echo "node_name: " `hostname` #run STAR program with --help argument ${STARBINPATH}/STAR --help Then run created batch file ( value 60628 is jobID, it will be different in each job submission): [anteater@anthill23 tests]$ sbatch star_testrun.batch Submitted batch job 60628 Depending on availability of computing nodes your job should end in just few moments, and batch output will be located in slurm-60628.out file.