===== News archives =====
==== 2023 ====
2023.03.10 :
* With 10th April 2023 TCR cluster will be permanently turned off.
==== 2022 ====
2022.09.22 :
* Anthill's computing node [[anthill_hardware_v03|ant101]] was upgraded.
* Power maintenance in CeNT has finished. Anthill is online . Hades is online. TCR is online.
2022.09.15 :
* new computing node in Anthill : [[anthill_hardware_v03|ant102, ant103]] .
2022.09.02 :
* Due to power maintenance in CeNT all computing resources will not be available from 17:00 19th Sep 2022 till ~19:00 21st Sep 2022.
2022.08.09 :
* (!) problems with login to TCR. TCR experiences hardware related problems. Estimated time to solve issue is not known jet.
2022.08.09 :
* gcc version 11.3.0 installed on [[tcr_soft|TCR]] .
2022.08.08 :
* R version 4.2.1 installed on [[anthill_soft_v03|Anthill]] .
2022.07.31 :
* TCR was switched to new storage. Old storage data are available till 27th August 2022 under '/home/users_old'.
2022.07.01 (2):
* TCR availability is now limited. Work is underway to restore its operation.
2022.07.01 (1):
* Anthill version 0.2 was turned off. Until all old resources removal Anthill will be available under new host name '[[ anthill_desc | anthill23-3 ]]'.
* between 24.06.2022 - 30.06.2022 computing resources 'Anthill, TCR, Hades' will not be available. Detailed information were send by e-mails.
* Anthill is prepared to OS upgrade. This version will be called '[[ anthill_desc | Anthill ver 0.3 ]]'. Please check if your computation maybe run on new Anthill version.
==== 2021 ====
==== 2020 ====
* Node ant102 is disabled due to hardware error.
* On 13-14 October planned power outage in CeNT. Most computing resources will not be available.
* TCR ver0.2 become default version.
* Due to problems with cooling system in CeNT server rooms all computations were stopped. There is no estimate jet how long repairs will take.
* Anthill: nvidia driver change in finished (390->435).
* Anthill: nvidia driver change in progress (390->435).
* Anthill: computing node (''ant010'') has some hardware issues ( cpu, mem ) - that last week (Mar 28/29) caused that it was unavailable.
==== 2019 ====
* Anthill: new computing node (''ant103'') was added. Hosts (''ant101'', ''ant102'') memory was upgraded.
* Anthill: new computing nodes (''ant101'', ''ant102'') were added.
* R Studio Server, Jupyter Notebooks - are available.
* 21-24 October, IT services will not be available or access will be limited due to electricity maintenance in CeNT.
* Anthill: new computing node (''ant010'') that has 60 cores and about 6 TB of RAM .
* Anthill: new computing node (''ant009'') with 256 GB RAM added.
* Anthill: server that host ''slurmctld'' deamon is broken. Since then Anthill uses ''slurmctld'' replacment. Job history, and some access privileges had vanished.
* Anthill: New scratch. At all nodes 4 TB ''/tmp'' is now available.