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GLIMPSE2 is a set of tools for low-coverage whole genome sequencing imputation. GLIMPSE2 is based on the GLIMPSE model and designed for reference panels containing hundreads of thousands of reference samples, with a special focus on rare variants.
If you use GLIMPSE in your research work, please cite the following papers more.
Bellow description covers preparation and compilation of GLIMPSE2_phase v2.0.0 1)
Login to anthill23, and download required sources 2)
mkdir -p ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse git clone htslib_src cd htslib_src git submodule update --init --recursive cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse wget tar --bzip2 -xf boost_1_73_0.tar.bz2 cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse git clone
start interactive session in which download and compile htslib, boost, glimpse2_phase 3):
@anthill23:~$ srun --cpus-per-task 8 --mem-per-cpu 20G -J glimpse_prep --partition=medium --pty --preserve-env bash
compile htslib 4):
cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse/htslib_src autoreconf -i ./configure --prefix=/home/users/${USER}/anthill23_soft/glimpse/htslib make make install
compile boost 5):
cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse/boost_1_73_0 ./ --with-libraries=iostreams,program_options,serialization --prefix=../boost ./b2 install
compile GLIMPSE2_phase 6):
cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse/glimpse/phase sed -i 's/desktop: HTSSRC.*/desktop: HTSSRC=\/home\/users\/${USER}\/anthill23_soft\/glimpse\/htslib/' makefile sed -i 's/desktop: HTSLIB_INC.*/desktop: HTSLIB_INC=\$(HTSSRC)\/include/' makefile sed -i 's/desktop: HTSLIB_LIB.*/desktop: HTSLIB_LIB=\$(HTSSRC)\/lib\/libhts.a/' makefile sed -i 's/desktop: BOOST_INC.*/desktop: BOOST_INC=\/home\/users\/${USER}\/anthill23_soft\/glimpse\/boost\/include/' makefile sed -i 's/desktop: BOOST_LIB_IO.*/desktop: BOOST_LIB_IO=\/home\/users\/${USER}\/anthill23_soft\/glimpse\/boost\/lib\/libboost_iostreams.a/' makefile sed -i 's/desktop: BOOST_LIB_PO.*/desktop: BOOST_LIB_PO=\/home\/users\/${USER}\/anthill23_soft\/glimpse\/boost\/lib\/libboost_program_options.a/' makefile sed -i 's/desktop: BOOST_LIB_SE.*/desktop: BOOST_LIB_SE=\/home\/users\/${USER}\/anthill23_soft\/glimpse\/boost\/lib\/libboost_serialization.a/' makefile make all
compile GLIMPSE2_chunk / ligate / split_reference
#repeat the same as for GLIMPSE2_phase described above, but in different folder cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse/glimpse/chunk # for GLIMPSE2_chunk cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse/glimpse/ligate # for GLIMPSE2_ligate cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse/glimpse/split_reference # for GLIMPSE2_split_reference
test created binary, you should get similar output :
cd ~/anthill23_soft/glimpse/glimpse/phase ./bin/GLIMPSE2_phase [GLIMPSE2] Phase and impute low coverage sequencing data * Authors : Simone RUBINACCI & Olivier DELANEAU, University of Lausanne * Contact : & * Version : GLIMPSE2_phase v2.0.0 / commit = 0fcf590 / release = 2023-10-09 * Citation : BiorXiv, (2022). DOI: * : Nature Genetics 53, 120–126 (2021). DOI: * Run date : 05/11/2023 - 08:17:29 ERROR: You must specify input files using one of the following options: --bam, --bam-list or --input-gl
#exit interactive mode when finished with exit command exit