is one to be used, more http://rnaseq-mats.sourceforge.net/user_guide.htm in section 'Which version to use'Multivariate Analysis of Transcript Splicing (MATS). MATS is a computational tool to detect differential alternative splicing events from RNA-Seq data. Software page : http://rnaseq-mats.sourceforge.net/ .
Below release of rMATS 4.0.21) ( 04/25/2018 ) is described and used.
Login to anthill23 and download rMATS along with some test datasets, and gft files2):
@anthill23:~$ mkdir -p ~/anthill23_rmats/{testData,gtf} cd ~/anthill23_rmats wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/rnaseq-mats/files/MATS/rMATS.4.0.2.tgz tar xzf rMATS.4.0.2.tgz cd ~/anthill23_rmats/testData wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/rnaseq-mats/files/MATS/testData.tgz tar xzf testData.tgz cd ~/anthill23_rmats/gtf wget ftp://ftp.ensembl.org/pub/grch37/current/gtf/homo_sapiens/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf.gz gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf.gz
rMATS uses gsl library that need to be prepared separately3). This library have to be compiled on computing node, so it is done in interactive mode (SLURM, batch and interactive mode) :
@anthill23:~$ srun -J gsl_compile -N1 -n4 --pty bash -l cd ~/anthill23_rmats/ wget http://gnu.mirror.vexxhost.com/gsl/gsl-2.4.tar.gz tar xzf gsl-2.4.tar.gz cd gsl-2.4 ./configure --prefix="/home/users/${USER}/anthill23_rmats/gsl-2.4" make -j ${SLURM_NTASKS} make install cd ~/anthill23_rmats/gsl-2.4/lib ln -s libgsl.so libgsl.so.0 exit
If above steps ( prepare software, and prepare gsl lib ) finish successfully this simple test should finish with success. Do this test in interactive mode (SLURM, batch and interactive mode) :
@anthill23:~$ srun -J rMATS_test --pty bash -l cd /home/users/${USER}/anthill23_rmats export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/users/${USER}/anthill23_rmats/gsl-2.4/lib python rMATS.4.0.2/rMATS-turbo-Linux-UCS4/rmats.py --b1 testData/b1.txt --b2 testData/b2.txt --gtf gtf/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf --od bam_test -t paired --readLength 50 --cstat 0.0001 --libType fr-unstranded ... #read output and exit interactive mode when finished exit
Bellow example was taken form rMATS User Guide. This description assumes that above steps ( prepare software, and prepare gsl lib ) were done beforehand if not, remember to modify them accordingly.
File rmats_test.batch
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --partition=test #SBATCH --ntasks=4 #SBATCH --mem 4G #SBATCH --job-name rMATS_test cd /home/users/${USER}/anthill23_rmats export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/users/${USER}/anthill23_rmats/gsl-2.4/lib python rMATS.4.0.2/rMATS-turbo-Linux-UCS4/rmats.py \ --b1 b1.txt \ --b2 b2.txt \ --gtf gtf/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf \ --od bam_test \ -t paired \ --readLength 50 \ --cstat 0.0001 \ --libType fr-unstranded
None. At this time.
is one to be used, more http://rnaseq-mats.sourceforge.net/user_guide.htm in section 'Which version to use'